Sep 5, 2009

Questions About Idleness of God

This serves as an answer to ideas which were put forth to say that God is Static and the universe is transcendent. Is it true that once God had created the Universe, He could rest?


If God is Static or idle then the universe would be destroyed. Using Quranic verses,

"All who are in heavenly bodies on this earth are in need of Him. Every moment He is in an affair of some kind." (55:29)

Universe revolves and decays but God is not. God is not static because He puts forth life to the Universe. He is ever active and it is His activities which abides.

The Islamic parable of this is, "Imagine holding a glass in your hands and you fell asleep even for one second. The glass will drop and would be shattered. This is what will happen if God is idle and asleep."

1 comment:

Apa Kau Nak said...

One in all and all in one.