Sep 20, 2008

ISLAM - A Religion of Terror?

I couldn't seem to remember which politician branded Islam as a religion that promotes terrorism. I simply couldn't agree with his theories. Does the guy who said this even studied History? It's hard to tell. Because terrorism existed a long, long time before the bombing of WTC. By the defintion of the word ''terrorism'', I figure out the meaning of it which sounded like this, '' acts which are intended to create fear based on one or more ideologies''. Let's highlight the word ''ideologies''. Then let us look through the timeline to see which event of ''ideologies'' comes first.

I stumbled across Communism. Isn't it right to say that Communism was an act based on ideology? Isn't it right to say that Communist intended to bring fear? Then why don't we brand Communism is also a ''religion'' that promotes terrorism? That just doesn't seem fair because of an event brought by a group of radical Muslims, Islam is branded as a religion of terror. Religious wars happened centuries ago and yet we do not announce ' The Global War on Terror'. French Wars in 1562 was waged between French Catholics and Protestant and yet I do not see any word of ''terrorism'' etched in the pages of history.

During the First Crusade, the Crusaders issued a policy of terror against Muslims and Jews. Those who died in the war would receive remissions of their sins. Isn't that another act of ''terrorism''? And the worst part? It happened centuries ago before the bombing of WTC. Like what we could find in almost every religions, there will be religious wars. That seems more like a prejudice than the so-called effort to fight terrorism.

And to the Muslims, I know that most of you wouldn't agree that hostility is the way to solve any problem. Even Prophet Muhammad ceases his followers from pillaging and killing unarmed citizens. So far, in every war events that took place, war fought by the Muslims centuries ago doesn't require them to burn down any villages and kill citizens. It is sad to know that few Jihadist claims that purging all kafirs is an act of martyrdom. How could it be called matyrdom if even Prophet Muhammad himself does not kill unarmed people in every wars he fought?